Dear ICNaB-2018 participants,
It was a great pleasure for us to organize this 5th edition of the International Conference on Sodium Batteries and to welcome you at St Malo in France. We hope you enjoyed the scientific program, the atmosphere of the conference, the Hôtel Le Nouveau Monde and the city of St Malo.
We thank you all for attending and for participating to the discussions, sharing your last breakthroughs in the field of the sodium batteries technologies.
We thank also the sponsors of ICNaB-2018 (Natron Energy, Bio-Logic, RS2E, Tiamat, Total, CEA and Faradion) for their support, and the exhibitors (Altris, Bio-Logic, HiNa Batteries and HTDS) for their participation.
The next edition of the International Conference on Sodium Batteries (November 5-7, 2019) is organized by Professor Christopher Johnson from Argonne National Laboratory, at Chicago in USA. Please visit the website You can already register and submit your abstract.
The ICNaB-2018 organizing committee
Laurence Croguennec (ICMCB-Bordeaux, Chair of ICNaB-2018), Dominique Guyomard (IMN-Nantes), Christian Masquelier (LRCS-Amiens) and Laure Monconduit (ICG-Montpellier)